
Patents .

(50+ worldwide granted patents, 3 pending US applications)

R. Garcia, G. Sennton, B. Lo, N. Clark, N. Mcwilliams, R. Ledley, A. Florescu, J. Garside. “Real-Time Adaptation of Audio Playback”, U.S. Patent Application 17654538 M. Slaney, R. Garcia, W. Woods, and J. Rugolo. “Partial hrtf compensation or prediction for in-ear microphone arrays.” U.S. 10,959,026, Issued date March 23, 2021. R. Garcia, Kemler B, Lee JW, Lyon RF, Slaney MG, inventors; Google LLC, assignee. “Dynamics processing effect architecture”. United States patent US 10,681,485. 2020 Jun 9. R. Garcia, “Recorded media hotword trigger suppression.” U.S. Patent 10,395,650, issued August 27, 2019. R. Garcia, “Key phrase detection with audio watermarking,” U. S. Patent 10276175, issued date April 4, 2019 A. Sabin, R. Garcia “Processing Multichannel Audio Signals,” U.S. Patent: 9454970, issued date September 27, 2016 K. Short, R. Garcia, M. Daniels, J. Curley “Systems and methods for high resolution signal analysis and chaotic data compression,” U.S. Patent Application: 11441791, publication date November 30, 2006 K. Short, P. Dorward, R. Garcia, B. Hunt, M. Glover, J. Curley, J. Struven, M. Gallagher “Methods and systems for digital rights management of protected content,” U.S. Patent Application: 10794571, publication date January 1, 2005

Selected Publications

Slaney, Malcolm; Lyon, Richard F.; Garcia, Ricardo; Kemler, Brian; Gnegy, Chet; Wilson, Kevin; Kanevsky, Dimitri; Savla, Sagar; Cerf, Vinton G. “Auditory Measures for the Next Billion Users”, Ear and Hearing: November/December 2020 – Volume 41 – Issue – p 131S-139S

Garcia, R. (2018) “The New Dynamics Processing Effect in Android Open Source Project”, 145th Convention, Audio Engineering Society, New York, NY, October 7, 2018. Preprint 10037 (Open Access pdf)

Garcia, Ricardo, “Browser that Archives Webpages”, Technical Disclosure Commons, (May 12, 2017)

Short, K., Garcia, R., Daniels, M. (2007). “Multi-Channel Audio Processing Using a Unified Domain Representation”, J. Audio Eng. Soc. Volume 55 Issue 3 pp. 156-165; March 2007  (link)

Short, K. and Garcia, R. (2006) “Accurate Low-Frequency Magnitude and Phase Estimation in the Presence of DC and Near-DC Aliasing”, 121st Convention, Audio Engineering Society, San Francisco, October 5-8, 2006. Preprint 6934  (pdf) 1.9 MB

Short, K. and Garcia, R. (2006) “Signal Analysis Using the Complex Spectral Phase Evolution (CSPE) Method”, 120th Convention, Audio Engineering Society, Paris, France, May 20-23, 2006. Preprint 6645 (pdf) 1.1 MB

Short, K., Garcia, R., Daniels, M. (2005). “Multichannel Audio Processing Using a Unified Domain Representation”, 119th Convention, Audio Engineering Society, New York, NY, October 7-10, 2005. Preprint 6526

Short, K., Garcia, R., Daniels, M. (2005). “Scalability in KOZ Audio Compression”, 119th Convention, Audio Engineering Society, New York, NY, October 7-10, 2005. Preprint 6598 (pdf) 658KB

Short, K., et. al (2005). “An Introduction to the KOZ Scalable Audio Compression Technology”, 118th Convention, Audio Engineering Society, Barcelona, Spain, May 28 – 31, 2005. Preprint 6446 (pdf) 375KB

Garcia, R. (2002). “Automatic Design of Sound Synthesis Techniques by means of Genetic Programming”, 113th Convention, Audio Engineering Society, Los Angeles, CA, October 5-8, 2002. Preprint 5654  (pdf) 250KB

Garcia, R. (2001). “Automating the Design of Sound Synthesis Techniques using Evolutionary Methods”,  Proceedings of the COST G-6 Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX-01), Limerick, Ireland, December 6-8, 2001 (pdf) 409KB

Garcia, R. (2001). “Automatic Generation of Sound Synthesis Techniques”, Master of Science Thesis, Master in Media Arts and Sciences, School of Architecture and Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, September 2001 (pdf) 1.41MB

Garcia, R. (2001). “Growing Sound Synthesizers using Evolutionary Methods”, European Conference in Artificial Life 2001 (ECAL2001) special workshop in Artificial Life Models for Musical Applications to be held in University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic, September 9 2001 (pdf) 186KB

Garcia, R. (2000). “Towards the Automatic Generation of Sound Synthesis Techniques: Preparatory Steps”, 109th Convention, Audio Engineering Society, Los Angeles, CA, September 22 -25, 2000. Preprint 5186  (pdf)  53KB  (power point presentation) 218 KB

Kim, Y. E., Chai, W., Garcia, R., Vercoe, B. (2000).”Analysis of a Countour-based Representation for Melody”, International Symposium on Music Information Retrieval, Plymouth, MA, October 23 – 25, 2000  (pdf) 208KB

Garcia, R. (1999). “Digital Watermarking of Audio Signals using a Psychoacoustic Auditory Model and Spread Spectrum Theory”, 107th Convention, Audio Engineering Society, New York, NY, September 24-27, 1999. Preprint 5073 (pdf)  330KB (power point presentation) 2.2MB

Garcia, R. (1999). “Digital Watermarking of Audio Signals using a Psychoacoustic Auditory Model and Spread Spectrum Theory”, Master of Science Thesis, Music Engineering Technology, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL, April 21, 1999 (pdf) 917KB